
State Archives

The office of Secretary of the Territory was created by the Organic Act of 1838, which established the Iowa Territory.  Later, the Office of Secretary of State was created in 1846 under Article V of the Constitution of 1846. The Secretary of State has been responsible for numerous state functions. 

The records of the office have been divided into seven subgroups: 

1. General

2. Corporations

3. Census Records

4. Election Records

5. Land Records - Surveyor General

6. Land Records - State Land Office

7. Legislature.

Some or all of these records are available to search in the Iowa History Collections Catalog.

GeneralDate Span
Agreements - 28E1966-1999
Agricultural Reports/ Fiduciary Agricultural Reports1976-2000
Bids, Specifications and Contracts1857-1871, Undated
Certificates - Notaries Public1855-1873
City Boundary Adjustments1947-1996
Criminal Matters - Discharge Warrants1851-1904
Iowa Department Rules1952-1978
Miscellaneous Records: Attorney General Opinions1941-1964
Miscellaneous Records: Justice of the Peace1900-1907
Miscellaneous Records: Railroads1857-1874, Undated
Miscellaneous Records: Record of Blind Asylum1853-1883
Miscellaneous Records: Semi-Centennial of Iowa1896
Miscellaneous Records: Township Clerks1903-1907
Oaths of Office1846-1904
Official Bonds1838-1908
Original Notices1923-1997
Proclamations - Governors1838-1904
Record of Official Bonds1846-1919
Register of Motor Vehicles1904-1908
Reports: Corporation Mergers1890-1891
Reports: County Criminal ReturnsUndated
Reports: County Officers1858-1884
Reports: County Officers Elected1857-1890
Reports: Crop Statistics1901-1907
Reports: District Courts1870-1903
Reports: Oil Inspections and Oil Inspectors1897-1909
Reports: Railroads1856-1904
Reports: Requisitions and Orders1853-1897
Reports: State Officers and Institutions1877-1900
Reports: Vouchers1851-1910
Census Records
Census RecordsDate Span

Federal Census Returns, Agriculture


Federal Census Returns, Industrial and Manufacturing


Federal Census Returns, Mortality


Federal Census Returns Population


Federal Census Returns, Social Statistics


Federal Census Records, Statistics

1840, 1860

State Census, Abstracts, Agricultural


State Census, Abstracts


State Census, Population (Heads of Household)


State Census Population

1856, 1885, 1895, 1905 (Register)

State Census, Population (Cities and Towns)


Iowa Census Board


CorporationsDate Span
Affidavits of Withdrawal (Foreign)1907-1964
Applications for Certificates of Authority (Foreign)1910-1982
Applications for Certificates of Authority to Use Trade Name, Renew Trade Name or Renew Assumed Name (Foreign)1864-1876
Applications for Registration of Label, Trademark or Form of Advertising1918-1998
Applications to Adopt or Renew an Assumed Name (Foreign), Dead1969-1973, 1978
Applications to Elect or Renew an Assumed Name (Domestic)1961-1983
Articles of Incorporation Books, Businesses1935-1965
Articles of Incorporation Books, Non-Pecuniary1943-1965
Articles of Incorporation, Cities and Towns1859-1941
Assignment of Trademarks1948-1965
Certificates of Assignment of Label, Trademark or Form of Advertising1948-1970
Certificates of Authority and Withdrawal (Foreign)Unknown-1983
Certificates of Authority/Incorporation1931-1984
Certificates of Registration of Label, Trademark or Form of Advertising1848-1988
Correspondence, CorporationsUndated
Correspondence, Letters1874-1904
Domestic Cooperative Register1947-1949
Executive Council Resolutions - Stock Issues1940s-1960s
Incorporation Records of Businesses - Banksc.1870-c.1909
Incorporation Records of Businesses - Bridges, Ferries and Construction Companiesc.1850-c.1909
Incorporation Records of Businesses - Building, Loan, Investment and Trust Companiesc.1870-c.1909
Incorporation Records of Businesses - Electric, Gas and Power Companiesc.1855-c.1909
Incorporation Records of Businesses - Insurance Companiesc.1857-1909
Incorporation Records of Businesses - Manufacturing and Mercantilec.1866-1909
Incorporation Records of Businesses - Railroads1851-1909
Incorporation Records of Businesses - Telegraph and Telephone1858-1909
Incorporation Records of Businesses - Water Companies1855-1909
Incorporation Records, Non-Pecuniary - Cemeteries1860-1883
Incorporation Records, Non-Pecuniary - Churches and Religious Societiesc.1854-c.1873
Incorporation Records, Non-Pecuniary - Colleges and Seminaries1852-1876
Incorporation Records, Non-Pecuniary - Libraries1853-1878
Incorporation Records, Non-Pecuniary - Lodges and Orders1859-1895
Proof of Publications1959-1979
Public Utility Agreements1940s-1960s
Receipts1957-1959, 1976-1979
Reinstatements - All Chapters1968-1975
Reinstatements - Cooperatives1939-1983
Election Records
Election RecordsDate Span
Abstract Record of Soldiers Vote1862-1864
Candidates Sworn Statements of Election Expenses1908, 1944-1972
Canvass and Abstracts 
Correspondence, Elections, Correspondence, Elections, Soldiers Vote1862-1864
Correspondence, Elections, General1847-1910
Election Returns, General1887-2004
Election Returns, Primary1908-2004
Election Returns, Special1916-1940
Elections, Superintendent of Public Education1918
Elections, Treasurer1918
Minutes and Proceedings of the Electoral College1874-1885
Minutes and Proceedings of the State Board of Canvassers & Soldiers Votes During Civil War 
Minutes of Executive Council as Board of Canvassers 
Nomination Papers Filed for Primary Election1907-1916
Nominations - Congressional1918
Nominations - Judges of Supreme Court1918
Nominations - Judicial1918
Nominations - Railroad Commissioners1918
Nominations - Representatives1918
Poll Records of Civil War Soldiers1862-1865
Precinct Boundaries and Maps, Counties1972-1992
Precinct Boundaries and Maps, Schools1983-1992
Record of Contested Elections1885-1938
Land Records: Surveyor General's Office
Land Records: Surveyor General's OfficeDate Span
Account Books1847-1866
Correspondence, Commissioner of the General Land Office1843-1884
Correspondence, Deputy Surveyor General to Surveyor General1832-1858
Correspondence, Surveyor General Letter Books1828-1866
Description of Lands on the Interior Sectional Lines 
General Land Office, Federal Tract Books 
Land Grants, School Lands - 16th Section Grant, Index1849-1892
Land Grants, School Lands, 500,000 Grant, Index1949-1892
Original Survey Plats 
Original Survey Plats (Copies) 
Original Surveyors Field Notes (WPA Copies), Subdivisions 
Original Surveyors Field Notes (WPA), Town Lines 
Original Surveyors Field Notes, Subdivisions (Section Lines) 
Original Surveyors Field Notes, Town Lines 
Survey Records, Administrative - Contracts and Bonds of Deputy Surveyors1831-1864
Survey Records, Administrative - Recommendations for Positions1832-1853
Surveyor General's Office 
Land Records: Register of State Land Office
Land Records: Register of State Land OfficeDate Span
Board of Public Works - Account Books1847-1855
Board of Public Works - Letter Book1847-1852
Board of Public Works - Proceedings of Meetings1847-1854
Board of Public Works - Reports1848-1850
Correspondence, Letter Books1863-1883
Correspondence, Register of Land Office, Letter Books1855-1906
Correspondence, Relative to Land Claims1854-1890
Des Moines River Improvement Commissionc.1856-1858
Iowa City Lots (Certificates and Sales Book) 
Land Grants, Agricultural College Grant - Certificates of Final Payment1864-1911
Land Grants, Agricultural College Grant - Miscellaneous Papers Pertaining to Grant1862-1869
Land Grants, Agricultural College Grant - Tract Book1861-1899
Land Grants, Des Moines River Grant - Certificates of Which Deeds were to be issued1847-1850
Land Grants, Des Moines River Grant - Deeds (Des Moines River Land Company)1850-1859
Land Grants, Des Moines River Grant - Land Claims1849-1872
Land Grants, Des Moines River Grant - Land Grants, Saline Land Grant 
Land Grants, Des Moines River Grant - List of Land Sold for the Improvement of the Des Moines River1848-1853
Land Grants, Des Moines River Grant - Patents Delivered 
Land Grants, Des Moines River Grant - Record of Patents (Certificates of Final Payment)1854-1937
Land Grants, Des Moines River Grant - Register of Certificates and Sales 
Land Grants, Des Moines River Grant - Register of Receipts1847-1851
Land Grants, Des Moines River Grant - Tract Book 
Land Grants, Des Moines River Grant - Tract Book1853-1915
Land Grants, School Lands - 16th Section Grant and 500,000 Acre Grant, Sale of School Lands1848-1888
Land Grants, School Lands - 16th Section Grant, Certificates of Final Payment (Numerical Listing)1849-1936
Land Grants, School Lands - 16th Section Grant, Certificates of Final Payment (Record of Patents)1849-1937
Land Grants, School Lands - 16th Section Grant, List of Errors in 16th Sections1847-1860
Land Grants, School Lands - 16th Section Grant, Township Plats, T65-71 R5-8W1847-1855
Land Grants, School Lands - 16th Section Grant, Tract Books1849-1896
Land Grants, School Lands - 500,000 Acre Grant, Certificates of Final Payments (Numerical Listing)1848-1934
Land Grants, School Lands - 500,000 Acre Grant, Certificates of Final Payments (Record of Patents)1849-1937
Land Grants, School Lands - 500,000 Acre Grant, Lands Selected Under Grant 
Land Grants, School Lands - 500,000 Acre Grant, Tract Book1854-1896
Land Grants, School Lands - Mortgaged School Lands, Patents Issued (#1-562)1863-1927
Land Grants, Swamp Lands - Correspondence1849-1889
Land Grants, Swamp Lands - Indemnity Swamp Lands for which Indemnity  has been allowed by U.S. (1850-1877)1878
Land Grants, Swamp Lands - Record of Patents, Indemnity Swamp Lands, Federal Patents to State1862-1898
Land Grants, Swamp Lands - Record of Patents, Indemnity Swamp Lands, State to Counties1859-1867
Land Grants, Swamp Lands - Record of Swamp Land Selections1853-1858
Land Grants, Swamp Lands - U.S. Indemnity Swamp Land Patents1863-1867
Land Grants, University Grant - Certificates of Final Payment1854-1897
Land Grants, University Grant - Record of Patents1853-1920
Land Grants, University Grant - Tract Book1850-1915
LegislatureDate Span
Bill Register, House1858-1984
Bill Register, Senate1858-1984
Bills - Council Files1838-1845
Bills - House Files1838-1945
Bills - House, Adopted1947-1978
Bills - House, Enrolled1979-2010
Bills - House, Not Adopted1949-1974
Bills - Printed (House and Senate)1880-1919
Bills - Senate Files1846-1937
Bills - Senate Files, Not Adopted1947-1974
Bills - Senate, Adopted1949-1978
Bills - Senate, Enrolled1979-2010
Committee Books, House1898, 1917-1937
Committee Books, Senate1898, 1917-1937
Enrolled Bills, House and Senate1953-2012
Journals, House1838-1842, 1860-1970, 1989-2010
Journals, Senate1854-1970, 1989-2010
Journals, Territorial Council1838-1840
Laws of Iowa1838-2010
Minutes, House Committees1860-1939
Minutes, Senate Committees1860-1945
Petitions to the General Assembly1839-1979