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Historical Requests 

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Iowa Humanities Council

Iowa Humanities Council Staff
Name & EmailTitlePhone
Andrew KlumppDirector, Interim Iowa Humanities Council515-721-8289
Kristen Vander MolenGrants Manager515-822-3583

State Historical Society of Iowa


Administration Staff
Name & EmailTitlePhone
Valerie Van KootenAdministrator515-281-8749
Chris SikichCommunications Manager/Public Information Officer515-587-2925
Marty MusserDAS Finance515-732-1274
Brooke FutrelleDAS Finance515-725-0664
Lisa KentGrants Officer515-666-9148
Jessica MurtaughInformation Specialist II515-446-0109
Kristen Vander MolenGrants Manager515-822-3583
Meg WittEvents and Development Manager515-446-1599

Library & Archives

Library & Archives Staff
Name & EmailTitlePhone
Anthony JahnState Archivist, Library & Archives Bureau Chief515-666-9144
Brittany PuhrmannReference Librarian - Des Moines515-725-1233
Hang NguyenLibrarian, Research Center - Iowa City319-335-3926
Anu TiwariLibrary Resources Technician - Iowa City319-335-3911
Bruce KreugerArchives Technician, Research Center - Des Moines515-281-4192
Jessica NaySpecial Collections Archivist - Des Moines515-281-8976
Allison JohnsonSpecial Collections Archivist - Iowa City319-335-3911
Kelsey BerryhillGovernment Records Archivist515-281-6863
Jeffrey DawsonGovernment Records Archivist515-281-7801
Delpha MusgravePreservation Specialist515-281-5655

Education and Outreach

Museum Education Staff
Name & EmailTitlePhone
Andrew KlumppEducation and Publications Team Manager
Editor, Annals of Iowa
Ethan AtwellSpecial Projects and Outreach Coordinator515-380-5140
Rachel HansenHistory Education Specialist515-281-8747
Hanna HowardNational History Day Coordinator515-346-9307
Matthew JayneLearning & Engagement Manager515-242-5193
Kenedy LH ReichertFormal & Digital Education Coordinator515-666-9145

Museum Collections & Exhibits

State Historical Museum of Iowa 515-281-5111

Collections & Exhibits Staff
Name & EmailTitlePhone
Andrew HarringtonMuseum Exhibits Manager515-666-9146
Kay CoatsMuseum Collections Coordinator515-608-3327
Jodi EvansMuseum Registrar515-281-3295
Lindsay KeastMuseum Specialist & Accessibility Coordinator515-281-8352
Leo LandisState Curator, Museum & Historic Sites515-393-8324

Historic Sites

Historic Sites Staff
Name & EmailTitlePhone
Mike PlummerState Historic Sites Manager515-666-9149
Hannah FrederickMontauk Historic Site Coordinator563-423-7173

The State Historic Preservation Office, Iowa Arts Council and Produce Iowa-State Office of Film & Media have been transferred to the Iowa Economic Development Authority