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"That Conquering Cooperative Spirit!" March 7, 1933

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Political cartoon showing Uncle Sam giving John Q. Public money.
Courtesy of National Archives, Berryman, Clifford, "That Conquering Cooperative Spirit!" 7 March 1933


The Great Depression was at its worst in 1933 with unemployment at its peak. Millions of American families lacked food. Cartoonist Clifford Berryman tries to show that even the small relief efforts of the Herbert Hoover administration were paying off. In his cartoon, Berryman's "Uncle Sam" smiles and pats John Q. Public on the shoulder as he provides a few small coins. The word "Public" appears on the man's hat on the left, and he says "It’ll See Me Through Alright." Uncle Sam, on the right, replies, "Atta Boy!" In Berryman's view, the public is highly grateful for even this token. 

Source-Dependent Questions

  • How did Clifford Berryman characterize the aid given by President Herbert Hoover's administration?
  • Consider the historical context of this cartoon, would the majority of citizens have agreed with this characterization? Support your answer.

Citation Information 

Berryman, Clifford, "That Conquering Cooperative Spirit!" 7 March 1933. Courtesy of National Archives