As a member of the State Historical Society of Iowa, you’ll have a variety of opportunities to engage with Iowa's history.
Membership Benefits
All memberships include the following basic benefits:
Free admission to all State Historical Society of Iowa sites, including the State Historical Museum in Des Moines, Research Centers in Des Moines and Iowa City, and seven Historic Sites across the state.
Subscription to The Historian, the society’s bimonthly email newsletter.
Invitations to members-only programs, exhibit previews and other events.
Discounts for paid programs, camps, workshops and more.
Voting rights for elections to the society’s board of trustees.
The Educator membership is for teachers who are passionate about inspiring the next generation of historians.
Includes all basic benefits plus:
Early registration access to Teacher’s Professional Development and other educator-focused programming.
One-year subscription to The Annals of Iowa, the society’s quarterly history journal ($29.95 value) including teachers’ instructional guide.
The Wild Rose membership, named after Iowa’s state flower, is for individuals who are passionate about learning and sharing Iowa's history.
Includes all basic benefits plus:
Membership in the Time Travelers reciprocal membership program which includes a variety of exclusive benefits and privileges, such as free admission, gift shop discounts, and much more to over 400 organizations in 45 states across the country. View a list of participating organizations.
The Geode membership, named after Iowa’s state rock, is for families who are interested in history and want to inspire the next generation of historians.
Includes all benefits at the Wild Rose level plus:
Automatic admission into Goldie’s Kids Club for children 12 and younger, who receive birthday postcards, invitations to events, activities to do at home, and more.
Early registration access for Goldie’s Kids Club programming and day camps.
Invitation to Virtual Vault events with the Curator, highlighting the stories behind artifacts in our collections vault.
The Heritage Circle membership is for lifelong learners and individuals who want to dive deeper into Iowa’s history.
Includes all benefits at the Geode level plus:
One-year subscription to The Annals of Iowa, the society’s quarterly history journal ($29.95 value).
NEW BENEFIT! 10% discount on reference request services for Vital Record Statistic searches (Birth, Marriage, Death, Divorce) and Obituary searches at Iowa History Research Centers in Des Moines and Iowa City.
Complimentary admission for four to a behind-the-scenes tour of the State Historical Museum of Iowa’s collection vault. Once you have purchased your membership, please use the Members-Only Vault Tour Form to schedule your tour.
The Curators Circle membership is for lifelong learners and individuals who want to support the State Historical Society of Iowa at a higher level.
Includes all benefits at the Heritage Circle level plus:
NEW BENEFIT! $5 off each photographic image reproduction from the Library and Archives (up to 10 per year)
NEW BENEFIT! 1-year subscription to Iowa History Journal (six issues)
The nonprofit membership is for organizations who want to support the State Historical Society of Iowa and provide discounts for your employees.
In addition to all the benefits of the Heritage Circle Membership, organizational benefits include:
NEW BENEFIT! 25% off daytime facility rentals
10% off individual and family membership rates for employees
The Corporate Silver membership is for corporations who want to support the State Historical Society of Iowa and provide discounts for your employees.
In addition to all the benefits of the Heritage Circle Membership, organizational benefits include:
NEW BENEFIT! 20% off daytime facility rentals
10% off individual and family membership rates for employees
Access to exclusive sponsorship opportunities such as adopt an artifact, member events, Goldie's Kids Club programs, and exhibit sponsorships.
The Corporate Silver membership is for corporations who want to support the State Historical Society of Iowa and provide discounts for your employees.
Includes all the benefits of the Corporate Silver Membership, plus:
10% off an evening facility rental
NEW BENEFIT! A private behind-the-scenes tour of the State Historical Museum for up to 20 individuals
Questions? We’re here to help! Contact your membership team at
Show Your Support
Would you like to support the State Historical Society of Iowa through a donation? Learn more about the benefits of a tax-deductible donation to the 1857 Society.