Current Issue
Table of Contents
Third Series, Vol. 81, No. 3, Summer 2022
“From Iowa to the Nation: Harold Hughes and the Politics of Alcoholism Treatment”
Kelsey Ensign
Ensign argues that during the second half of the twentieth century Iowa, and specifically Harold Hughes, played a significant role in alcoholism reform. Through programs like the Iowa Comprehensive Alcoholism Project and Congress’s passage of the Hughes Act, Iowa and Hughes altered the political relationship between alcoholic citizens and the government not only in Iowa but throughout the nation.
"Uncommon Ground: Grant Wood and Russell Lee’s Divergent View of Iowa"
James R. Swensen
Swensen examines how photographer Russell Lee’s work in Depression-era Iowa drew inspiration from and directly challenged the most prominent Iowa artist of the era, Grant Wood. In a dramatic catalog of photographs captured in December of 1936, Lee’s unflinching depiction of the trials of rural life starkly contrast Wood’s bucolic Regionalist paintings.
Book Reviews
JOSEPH HOGAN, JON K. LAUCK, PAUL MURPHY, ANDREW SEAL, AND GLEAVES WHITNEY, EDS., The Sower and the Seer: Perspectives on the Intellectual History of the American Midwest,
by Raymond Haberski, Jr.
ROBERT F. KLEIN, Julien Dubuque: Portrait of a Pioneer,
by Joshua Wachuta
JAY GITLIN, ROBERT MICHAEL MORRISSEY, AND PETER J. KASTOR, EDS., French St. Louis: Landscape, Contexts, and Legacy,"
by Linda C. Jones
MICHAEL JOHN WITGEN, Seeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America,
by Patrick J. Jung
BALLARD C. CAMPBELL, The Paradox of Power: Statebuilding in America, 1754–1920,
by John Reda
JIM CASEY, P. GABRIELLE FOREMAN, AND SARAH LYNN PATTERSON, EDS., The Colored Conventions Movement: Black Organizing in the Nineteenth Century,
by Mila Kaut
JENNIFER J. HILL, Birthing the West: Mothers and Midwives in the Rockies and Plains,
by Megan Birk
MOLLY P. ROZUM, Grasslands Grown: Creating Place on the U.S. Northern Plains and Canadian Prairies,
by Julie Courtwright
JASON STACY, Spoon River America: Edgar Lee Masters and the Myth of the American Small Town,
by Patricia Oman
E. PAUL DURRENBERGER, The Dawn of Industrial Agriculture: Anthropology, Literature, and History,
by J. L. Anderson
JOHN NICHOLS, The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party: The Enduring Legacy of Henry Wallace’s Antifascist, Antiracist Politics,
by Joseph Jones
JASON LOPER AND MICHAEL SCHREIBER, This American House: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Meier House and the American System-Built Homes,
by Laura Sadowsky
KIM HEIKKILA, Booth Girls: Pregnancy, Adoption, & the Secrets We Kept,
by Renée Ann Cramer