The photograph shows a check being awarded to the military in the amount of $263,148.83 by children in the South Central District of Chicago. This money was earmarked to buy 125 jeeps, two planes and a motorcycle. The purchase of war bonds is something that many Americans did on the homefront during World War II to help support the war effort.
Source-Dependent Questions
- Given that the purchasing of war bonds helped the government fight the war, what is the significance of school children raising $263,148.83?
- How would war bonds help children contribute to winning the war?
Citation Information
"The public school children of the South-Central District of Chicago purchased $263,148. 83 in war bonds and stamps...a huge check representing enough money for 125 jeeps, two pursuit planes and motorcycle was presented to Maj. C. Udell Turpin of the Illinois War Bond Sales staff," Date Unknown. Courtesy of National Archives