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'We're all Iowans': Iowa State football fans help elderly Iowa fan into Jack Trice Stadium, 2017

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 Iowa State football fans help elderly Iowa fan into Jack Trice Stadium
Courtesy of the Des Moines Register, 'We're all Iowans': Iowa State football fans help elderly Iowa fan into Jack Trice Stadium, 2017


This photo shows Iowa State fans helping out an elderly Iowa Hawkeye fan in a wheelchair at the annual rivalry game. This annual game is called the Cy-Hawk game. It is a showdown between the Iowa State Cyclones and the Iowa Hawkeyes. This photo went viral shortly after the game was played.

Source-Dependent Questions

  • How does this photo show unity among Iowans who support different sports teams? 
  • How can sports and sports fans reflect what is happening in society?
  • How does wearing team colors unify fans of a sports team?

Citation Information 

'We're all Iowans': Iowa State football fans help elderly Iowa fan into Jack Trice Stadium, 2017. Des Moines Register.