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Chapter XIX from "A History of the Irish Settlers in North America from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850," 1852

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Courtesy of State Historical Society of Iowa, McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, "A History of the Irish Settlers in North America from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850," 1852


Thomas McGee wrote this book in 1852 describing the experiences of the Irish in the United States. McGee was in a unique position to write this book. He was involved in a plot to create a revolution in Ireland, but moved to the United States when it failed. After a time, he became disillusioned with republicanism and then moved to Canada where he supported British rule.

Full Transcript of Chapter XIX from "A History of the Irish Settlers in North America from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850"

Transcribed Excerpt from Chapter XIX of "A History of the Irish Settlers in North America from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850"

Source-Dependent Questions

  • How does the author connect political events like the Act of Union and an expired tariff to famine in Ireland?
  • What is the author's opinion of the ruling class? How do you know?
  • How would you describe the state of Ireland's poor?
  • The author states that, "In August authentic cases of death by famine ... thrilled the country, like an ill-wind." What can you infer about the author's meaning of the word "thrilled?"
  • What is the author's opinion of the United States? How do you know?
  • How do you think the events described in this excerpt led Irish people to immigrate to the United States?