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State Historical Society of Iowa

Chapter XXV from "A History of the Irish Settlers in North America from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850," 1852

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Courtesy of State Historical Society of Iowa, McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, "A History of the Irish Settlers in North America from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850," 1852


Thomas McGee was an Irish immigrant to America who wrote about the experiences immigrants had. He eventually moved to Canada because he didn't think the Irish would ever be treated fairly in the United States. His book chronicled the state of the Irish.

Full Transcript of Ch. XXV from "A History of the Irish Settlers in North America from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850"

Transcribed Excerpt from Ch. XXV of "A History of the Irish Settlers in North America from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850"

Source-Dependent Questions

  • What role does the author say the Irish have had in the wealth of the United States? What does the author offer as proof?
  • In what ways have the Irish visibly impacted the United States?
  • "Iowa excels them all" is what the author says. What is the author referring to?
  • How does the author think immigrants can prosper in America?
  • Based on this text, what would you say is the greatest impact of the Irish on America? How does this text either support or contradict what the author of "The Foreign Element" says?