The image shows hogs from Iowa being taken off a plane in Yamanashi Prefecture in Japan. There were 36 hogs sent from Iowa farms, with 35 arriving alive in Japan. Master Sergeant Richard Thomas inspired this outreach from Iowans to the citizens of Yamanashi, Japan. Thomas served in the United States Air Force, had been stationed in Japan and got to know many people from Yamanashi. When he heard about the damage from the typhoons, he wanted to do something to help.
Source-Dependent Questions
- Master Sergeant Richard Thomas had been stationed in Yamanashi, Japan. Why do you think he wanted to help that community after the devastating typhoons?
- Transportation has changed since 1960. Imagine this "hog lift" was took place today and use what you know to predict how the transportation would be different.
Citation Information
Goeppinger, Walter, Iowa State University, 1960. Courtesy of Iowa State University Special Collections