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IPTV's "Borlaug Receives Congressional Gold Medal," 2006

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Courtesy of Iowa Public Television, "Borlaug Receives Congressional Gold Medal," Market to Market - Iowa Public Television, 2006


This is a 2006 video from Iowa Public Television's program "Market to Market" that covered native Iowan, Dr. Norman Borlaug, receiving the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal. The video shows Borlaug, a world-renowned agricultural scientist, being presented the honor by then-President George W. Bush at the U.S. Capitol. At 93 years old, Borlaug was recognized for his lifelong work to fight world hunger through crop breeding.

Source-Dependent Questions

  • According to the video, what are some of Norman Borlaug’s contributions to agriculture? Cite evidence from the video to support your ideas.
  • Why are these accomplishments significant to the rest of the world?
  • On the back of the medal he received is a quote by Borlaug. "The first essential component for social justice is adequate food for all mankind." Discuss what you think this means. 

Citation Information 

"Borlaug Receives Congressional Gold Medal," Market to Market - Iowa Public Television, 2006. Courtesy of Iowa Public Television