State Historical Society of Iowa

Bettendorf Foundry Workers, ca. 1920

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Bettendorf Foundry Workers, ca. 1920


This photograph shows foundry workers in Bettendorf, Iowa, some of whom migrated from Mexico for work. To document Mexican immigrants in the upper Midwest for the U.S. Department of Labor, George Edson surveyed the HOly City barrio in 1926, located on the land owned by the Bettendorf Company in Bettendorf, Iowa, just a few miles upriver from Davenport. His field notes corroborate local accounts of Holy City's first Mexican residents passed down through local families. Edson' records tell us that by 1925, Holy City was a predominantly Mexican community, its residents employed as pieceworkers and day laborers with earnings ranging as little per year as $46 to as much as $1,853. Edson described the racism Mexicans faced in terms of employment, noting their employment opportunities were imited to railroad and foundry work because most Davenport factories had "policies opposed to hiring Mexicans." As a result, many worked in foundries throughout their lives with little opportunity for equal pay or ability to get ahead. 

Source-Dependent Questions 

  • Look closely at the photo. Describe what you see. What job do you think these people had? What makes you say that? 
  • This photograph shows foundry workers in Bettendorf, Iowa, some of whom migrated from Mexico for work. U.S. Department of Labor employee, George Edson, interviewed the families. His field notes corroborate local accounts of Holy City's first Mexican residents passed down through local families. What does this mean? Why is this important? 
  • Edson described the racism Mexicans faced in terms of employment, noting their employment opportunites were limited to railroad and foundry work because most Davenport factories had "policies opposed to hiring Mexicans." Compare this photo with Railraod works in Fort Madison, Iowa. How are the work conditions similar? How are they different? In what ways would racism come into play when immigrants search for work? 

Citation Information

"Bettendorf foundry workers," Migration is Beautiful, Iowa Women's Archives, University of Iowa Libraries, ca. 1920. Courtesy of Iowa Women's Archvies.