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State Historical Society of Iowa

Iowa Governor Robert Ray's Congressional Hearing Testimony about Refugee Legislation, May 24, 1979

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Courtesy of State Historical Society of Iowa, 24 May 1979


The source is a transcription of Iowa Governor Robert Ray's speech in front of  the U.S. House of Representatives' subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and International Law in 1979. Gov. Ray spoke on his feelings of moral obligation for resettling Tai-Dam refugees in Iowa, as well as the keys to success of the program.

Full Transcript of Gov. Robert Ray's Congressional Hearing Testimony

Transcribed Excerpts of Gov. Robert Ray's Congressional Hearing Testimony

Source-Dependent Questions

  • What types of laws was Governor Robert Ray advocating for in his role?
  • Why would Representative Jim Leach characterize Ray’s work as "... a unique blend of fiscal conservatism with basic human compassion." How could that be supported by the steps Iowa undertook to create a successful resettlement program?