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"Veterans March to Washington" Broadside, December 5, 1932

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Courtesy of Library of Congress, Veterans Rank And File Committee, New York, 1932


The broadside - or persuasion poster - outlines the reasons veterans should to march to Washington D.C., at the opening of the U.S. Congress on December 5, 1932. The veterans were asked to march to demand cash payment of a bonus promised to veterans in 1924 by the federal government.  The broadside was created by the Veterans Rank and File Committee in 1932. 

Transcript of the Veterans March to Washington Broadside

Source-Dependent Questions

  • What, if any, circumstances of the veterans outlined in the text warrant early payment of their bonus? Use specific evidence from the text to support your response.
  • Was it fair to compare the earlier treatment of the Bonus Army marchers in Washington D.C. to the conditions of World War I? Why or why not?
  • Is the Bonus Army’s characterization of Hoover and their current plight a fair assessment of their situation? Use evidence from the text to support your response.

Citation Information 

Veterans Rank And File Committee, "Veterans march to Washington to arrive at opening of Congress, December 5th, 1932 to demand cash payment of bonus," New York, 1932. Courtesy of Library of Congress