Humanities Project Grants offer support for public humanities projects that encourage contemplation, spark conversation and engage the community. Eligible projects will use the humanities as the central resource to involve and benefit diverse groups of Iowans through educational programming that explore the human experience.

Funding for the Humanities Project Grant is made possible by an appropriation from the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency, to the Iowa Department of Administrative Services. The program is administered by the State Historical Society of Iowa on behalf of the department. Applicants must adhere to the published guidelines of the Humanities Project Grant and federal government through 2 CFR Part 200.

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Fiscal Year 2025 Application Deadline
August 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. for the funding period of November 1, 2024–October 31, 2025

Funding Notification
Applicants will be notified of funding decisions via email by October 31, 2024

Final Report Deadline
Grant recipients are required to complete a final report by November 30, 2025

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Grant Request Amount

Applicants may request funding for eligible one-time project expenses that are incurred and expended within the eligible funding period. 

  • Minimum Grant Request: $2,500
  • Maximum Grant Request: $30,000

Funding Period

All project activities and incurred expenses must occur within the eligible funding period of November 1, 2024–October 31, 2025.

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Applicant Requirements

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants must be one of the following types of entities. Entities who do not meet these requirements are not eligible to apply.


  • Federally tax exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization incorporated and physically located in Iowa
    • Physical location of the organization is defined as maintaining a current home office and registered agent address in Iowa defined by Iowa Code 490.501 as well as maintaining a primary staff presence physically located and working in Iowa
  • Federally tax exempt 501(c)3 nonprofit organization physically located in a border state community immediately adjacent to Iowa. The organization must be registered to do business in Iowa with the Secretary of State’s office. An eligible border state organization must demonstrate that the funding request significantly impacts the cultural vitality of Iowa and predominantly serves Iowans.
  • Unit of local, county or federally-recognized tribal government physically located in Iowa
  • Units within institutions of higher education that are physically located in Iowa that have the humanities as their core mission and offer public programs are eligible. However, institutions of higher education are limited to one application, from one unit, and may neither apply for nor receive grant funds for multiple units.


  • Individual filmmaker or humanities expert
    • A humanities expert is defined as someone with an advanced degree in a humanities discipline or someone who is otherwise well-qualified to bring a humanities perspective, such as a historian, library or museum professional, culture bearer, or individual who is an acknowledged cultural expert within their community.
  • Current, legal Iowa resident who is 21 years of age or older and physically located in Iowa
    • Residence is defined by Iowa Code 422.4 and Iowa Administrative Code 701.38.17 (422)
    • An application from an individual must support a project that is initiated and managed by the individual, not an organization. The project must be designed to benefit the individual and may not benefit an organization with which the individual applicant has a formal affiliation such as employment or volunteer service.
    • Applicants who represent a group must apply as an individual and clearly state their individual role in the project proposal 

Ineligible Applicants

The following types of entities are not eligible to apply:

  • Public and private schools that serve grades pre-K through 12
  • State of Iowa government agencies (institutions of higher education are eligible to apply)
  • For-profit corporations or businesses
  • Entities or individuals using a fiscal agent or the nonprofit status of another organization
  • Applicants who have already submitted two unfunded applications for the same project
  • State Historical Society of Iowa grantees who have already received a grant from the society for any part of the project
  • State Historical Society of Iowa grantees with an outstanding final report or who have been placed on a department funding moratorium
  • Individuals enrolled in any type of undergraduate or graduate degree granting program at the time of application
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Humanities Project Requirements

Eligible Projects

Eligible projects should focus on the humanities and must demonstrate public value to Iowans through deliberate public engagement and access to project activities. Types of eligible projects could include community discussions, lecture series, workshops, films, interpretive exhibits, podcasts, etc. Projects that involve the creative or performing arts could be eligible as long as they are a catalyst in a project in which humanities are central, and include interpretation and/or discussion of performances, concerts, literary and art works.

Humanities must be central to the project. The humanities include the study and interpretation of what makes us human. Subject areas include archaeology, comparative religion, cultural anthropology, ethics, folklore, gender studies, history, jurisprudence, languages, law, linguistics, literature (including novels, poetry, drama, and other forms of written expression, both modern and classical), philosophy, and the interpretation (not the creation) of the arts. Aspects of the social sciences, such as political science and sociology, that can help us to explore our humanity and discover meaning in our lives and community are also included. 

Some project examples:

  • Public forums or conferences
  • Lecture/discussion series; honoraria and travel for speakers and presenters
  • Book/film discussion programs about humanities-related topics
  • Interpretive exhibits and catalogs
  • Digital projects like short or full length documentary films, radio shows, and podcasts
  • Pre-performance talks or post-performance facilitated discussions that present the historical and social context of the artform being presented and its impact on today’s culture
  • Lecture/recital programs that look at the history of the artform and show examples of that artform
  • Workshops that incorporate the history and cultural influence of an artform with training in that artform
  • Talks given by culture bearers recognized for their knowledge of the history and cultural impact of a folk or traditional artform followed by a presentation
  • Living history portrayal of a historical figure ending in discussion with a scholar

All project activities must have a clear beginning and end date within the eligible funding period.

  • Applicants may only apply for support of a yearly event or series if the applicant can demonstrate how the project is unique and worthy of support within the particular year of the funding period. Project content must change from year to year.

Humanities Expert

At least one humanities scholar/expert is required to participate in the project.

Eligible projects need to involve a humanities expert. They could be someone with an advanced degree in a humanities discipline or someone who is otherwise well-qualified to bring a humanities perspective to a project, such as a historian, library or museum professional, culture bearer, or individual who is an acknowledged cultural expert within their community.

If an individual is the applicant, they could serve as the humanities expert on the project if they have the required expertise.

The humanities expert should be engaged with the project during the application process. Prior to submitting an application, the humanities expert and applicant should:

  • Discuss the project and formulate ways to strengthen the humanities aspects
  • Explore the involvement of additional experts who may offer diverse perspectives
  • Review the application to help clarify goals and methodology

During the grant project, humanities experts could:

  • Serve as a speaker, panelist, or lead a discussion 
  • Offer ongoing advice and guidance
  • Review materials for authenticity and diversity of perspective
  • Assist with project evaluation

Ineligible Projects

The following types or activities and projects are not eligible for the grant program: 

  • Capital projects 
  • Collection maintenance, restoration or digitization
  • Construction or renovation of a property
  • Fundraiser or benefit event
  • Scholarships and fellowships
  • Research solely for scholarly purposes
  • Lobbying and advocacy activities
  • Museum, school or library acquisitions
  • Non-humanities projects
  • Operating costs including ongoing projects or programming for which the identified beginning and end dates are arbitrary
  • Projects intended primarily for students, faculty members, or other on-campus or in-school audiences
  • Projects that result in an applicant’s course credit, degree or certification
  • Projects that occur prior to or after the funding period
  • Projects that have already received a State Historical Society of Iowa grant for any part or phase of the project
  • Religious activities
  • Performance-only programming
  • Art classes focusing only on creative technique
  • Workshops addressing the mechanics and business of writing
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Budget Requirements

Humanities Project Grants support one-time, direct project expenses that are essential to the completion of the proposed project. Applicants are required to demonstrate investment in a project by providing matching funds in an amount that is equal to or greater than the total grant amount requested from the State Historical Society of Iowa. The matching funds can be from cash or in-kind sources. For example, an applicant that requests $10,000 in grant funds must have at least $10,000 in cash or in-kind match for a total project budget of $20,000.

The grant request, cash match and in-kind match expenses must be dedicated to eligible one-time project expenses, legitimate parts of the proposed project, and must be incurred and expended within the eligible funding period. Expenses identified in the grant request and required match should be based on competitive, current market pricing. Applicants may identify supplemental project expenses that occur before or after the eligible funding period, or that are otherwise not eligible to be part of the grant request, cash or in-kind match in the application; however, supplemental expenses may not be included in the grant request or required dollar-for-dollar match. Applicants that include ineligible expenses in the grant request or required match will be considered ineligible.

  • Cash match is actual cash contributed to direct project expenses by the applicant or other funding sources. For the applicant, a cash match may include the salaries of project staff, cost of space to conduct project activities, and supplies and service costs related to the project.
  • In-kind match is donated goods, services, equipment or facilities contributed to the project by the applicant or other sources. In-kind contributions must be fully documented and could encompass items such as the value of a project participant waiving their normal fee for services.
  • Funding from the state government cannot be used to meet the match requirement
  • Funding from the federal government cannot be used to meet the match requirement

Eligible Grant Request & Match Expenses

The grant request, cash match and in-kind match expenses must be legitimate parts of the proposed project and must be incurred and expended within the eligible funding period. Expenses identified in the grant request and required match should be based on competitive, current market pricing. Eligible grant request and match expenses include direct project costs such as:

  • Honoraria for humanities experts
  • Speaker fees
  • Contracted project personnel
  • Domestic Travel (e.g. mileage, accommodation, per diem)
  • Marketing (e.g. print material, ad buys, design fees)
  • Materials Necessary for Project
  • Personnel Time Dedicated to the Project* (e.g. planning, execution, evaluation time)
  • Rentals (e.g. stages, lecture spaces, projectors/screens)
  • Food (only cover food costs tied to encouraging the participation of a particular audience or otherwise contribute to the program in some substantial way)

*Applicants must demonstrate how personnel time is specifically dedicated to the proposed project. Personnel benefits are not eligible.

Ineligible Grant Request & Match Expenses

Expenses that fall outside of the identified eligible expenses for the project may not be included as part of the grant request or the required cash and in-kind match. Applicants that include ineligible expenses in the grant request, cash or in-kind match will be considered ineligible. Ineligible grant request and match expenses include:

  • Budget shortfalls
  • Capital expenditures including equipment over a total of $5,000 per unit
  • Collection maintenance or restoration
  • Deficit or debt reduction
  • Expenses incurred prior to or after the funding period
  • Foreign travel 
  • Fundraising or benefit
  • Lobbying and advocacy activities.
  • Ongoing or operating expenses including utilities, rent/lease, office supplies, and personnel time that is not dedicated to the project
  • Personnel benefits
  • Prizes and awards
  • Property maintenance, restoration or renovation
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Online Application Submission

Applicants must submit applications via the State Historical Society of Iowa’s SlideRoom, an online application portal. Applications will not be accepted in any other format. Late, incomplete or ineligible applications will not be accepted. Applicants can access the current online application requirements at Applicants must create a login to view the full application requirements for the program. Applicants can visit for technical assistance related to the online submission.

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Review Process

Department Eligibility Review

Submitted applications are reviewed by staff for completion, eligibility and adherence to published guidelines. Applications are reviewed as submitted. New application information or subsequent application clarification submitted after a program deadline is not considered unless it is requested by the grant program manager. Staff will also review an applicant’s record of compliance and good standing with the State Historical Society of Iowa, State and Federal government. Applications or applicants determined by staff to be ineligible or incomplete will not move forward to panel review and are specifically denied any appeals process.

Competitive Panel Review

Eligible applications will be referred to a competitive review by a volunteer citizen panel of Iowa humanities professionals with appropriate expertise commensurate to the purpose of the grant program. Applications will be scored and ranked based on the published scoring rubric. Panel ranking and recommendations are submitted to the Administrator of the State Historical Society of Iowa and Director of the Iowa Department of Administrative Services for consideration and funding approval. Applications will be awarded funding based on the ranked list, published funding priorities, if applicable, and available funding. All funding decisions are final and may not be appealed due to dissatisfaction. Applicants may review the department appeals policy for information on grounds for appeal and the appeal process.

Decision Notification

Applicants will be notified of funding decisions via email by October 31, 2024. Applicants are notified of the status of their application whether they are or are not awarded funding. Applicants will be contacted if any additional information is required and are encouraged to refrain from contacting staff for application status updates until funding decisions are made.

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Application Questions & Scoring Rubric

The Humanities Project Impact Grant Scoring Rubric will be used by the panel to evaluate grant applications. Application questions are provided for reference only. Applicants must review and complete application requirements in the SlideRoom portal. Each section has criteria and corresponding point values to ensure a fair review process. The rubric is on a scale of 33 points. 

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Applicants are encouraged to review all published material and contact State Historical Society of Iowa staff, Kristen Vander Molen at 515-822-3583 or, with questions well in advance of application deadlines.

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The State Historical Society of Iowa is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to eligible applicants. For technical support submitting the online application, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, Lindsay Keast at 515-281-8352 or, at least two weeks in advance of application deadlines.

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