Clinton | Auditor | Real Estate Transfers-Lands & Town Lots | 1866-1997 |
Clinton | Auditor | Swamp Lands-Register | 1840--1860 |
Clinton | Clerk | Circuit Court-Record | 1869-1886 |
Clinton | Clerk | District Court-General Index | 1915-1931 |
Clinton | Clerk | District Court-Record | 1849-1931 |
Clinton | Clerk | Naturalizations-Declaration of Intent | 1906-1950 |
Clinton | Clerk | Naturalizations-Declaration of Intent-Index | 1880-1930 |
Clinton | Clerk | Naturalizations-granted & denied | 1835-1955 |
Clinton | Clerk | Naturalizations-Index | 1859-1930 |
Clinton | Clerk | Naturalizations-Minors | 1871-1903 |
Clinton | Clerk | Naturalizations-Oaths | 1855-1906 |
Clinton | Clerk | Naturalizations-Record | 1904-1952 |
Clinton | Clerk | Naturalizations-Repatriations | 1938-1953 |
Clinton | Clerk | Naturalizations-Second Papers | 1855-1906 |
Clinton | Clerk | Probate-Appearance Docket | 1869-1881 |
Clinton | Clerk | Probate-Bonds, Oaths & Letters-Administrator & Executor | 1892-1918 |
Clinton | Clerk | Probate-Calendar | 1877-1915 |
Clinton | Clerk | Probate-Combined Probate Docket | 1865-1925 |
Clinton | Clerk | Probate-Complete Probate Docket | 1865-1933 |
Clinton | Clerk | Probate-Index | 1841-1900 |
Clinton | Clerk | Probate-Record | 1841-1930 |
Clinton | Clerk | Probate-Record of Heirs & Estates | 1860-1905 |
Clinton | Clerk | Probate-Wills | 1851-1925 |
Clinton | Clerk | Probate-Wills-Index | 1851-1970 |
Clinton | Clerk | County Judge's Minute Book (including marriage, naturalization, & probate | 1861-1870 |
Clinton | Recorder | Affidavits-Index | 1907-1934 |
Clinton | Recorder | Deeds-Cemetery Deeds-Index | 1878-1940 |
Clinton | Recorder | Deeds-Cemetery Deeds-Record | 1897-1909 |
Clinton | Recorder | Deeds-Lands-General Index | 1892-1900 |
Clinton | Recorder | Deeds-Lands-Index | 1844-1891 |
Clinton | Recorder | Deeds-Lands-Record | 1840-1902 |
Clinton | Recorder | Deeds-Sheriff's Deeds | 1878-1924 |
Clinton | Recorder | Deeds-Town Lots-Index | 1840-1900 |
Clinton | Recorder | Deeds-Town Lots-Record | 1857-1903 |
Clinton | Recorder | Homestead Record | 1860-1946 |
Clinton | Recorder | Military Discharge Record | WWI |
Clinton | Recorder | Military Discharge Record-Index | 1917-1977 |
Clinton | Recorder | Miscellaneous Record | 1853-1905 |
Clinton | Recorder | Miscellaneous Record-Index | 1853-1928 |
Clinton | Recorder | Original Entries, abstract | 1838-1945 |
Clinton | Recorder | Professional Register-Physicians & Surgeons | 1886-1955 |
Clinton | Recorder | Vital Statistics-Births-Index | 18780-1904; 1906-1917 |
Clinton | Recorder | Vital Statistics-Births-Index to Clinton (city) | 1909-1906 |
Clinton | Recorder | Vital Statistics-Births-Record | 1880-1904; 1906-1932 |
Clinton | Recorder | Vital Statistics-Deaths-Index | 1880-1904; 1906-1921 |
Clinton | Recorder | Vital Statistics-Deaths-Index to Clinton (city) | 1884-1886 |
Clinton | Recorder | Vital Statistics-Deaths-Record | 1880-1904; 1906-1933 |
Clinton | Recorder | Vital Statistics-Delayed Birth Record | 1880-1930 |
Clinton | Recorder | Vital Statistics-Marriages-Index | 1840-1930 |
Clinton | Recorder | Vital Statistics-Marriages-Record | 1840-1933 |
Clinton | Treasurer | Old Age Assistance Pension Tax List | 1934-1937 |